Brief Introduction of this Service for Advanced Attendees

Namaste Quantum Geniuses!

I can seamlessly integrate your Mind Movies with a Kaleidoscope and provide it in one single video!!
As you all are aware, in the Advanced workshops, there is a meditation in which a person has to watch the Kaleidoscope on the big screen and then their own Mind Movie on their personal devices. Followed by watching the Kaleidoscope again on the big screen with the Mind Movie music this time and so on.

After my first advanced workshop, I tried doing the same Kaleidoscope and Mind Movie meditation at home. But it was difficult for me to maintain the state of trance (alpha brain waves) while switching between the screen that played the Kaleidoscope from Dr. Joe's Kaleidoscope DVD and another screen with my Mind Movie because I had to press pause and play multiple times.To solve this difficulty, I integrated my Mind Movie and Kaleidoscope in one video.

I have an experience of using professional video editing software, so I created a seamless video of the Kaleidoscope and my Mind Movie with smooth transitions, and the video is an hour long and transitions from the Kaleidoscope to Mind Movie to Kaleidoscope to Mind Movie.... 6 times.

Sample Video of 1 hour showing the integrated video:

Example Default Sequence of Integrated Video of 1 hour:
Starting with a Kaleidoscope with its own music – 6 minutes
Mind Movie (e.g. 3 mins) repeated Twice – 6 mins
Kaleidoscope (will be played for duration of Mind Movie played) with Mind Movie Music - 6 mins
Mind Movie (e.g. 3 mins) repeated Twice – 6 mins
Kaleidoscope with Mind Movie Music - 6 mins
Mind Movie (e.g.3 mins) repeated Twice – 6 mins and so on....
then finally ending with a Kaleidoscope with Mind Movie Music - 6 mins.

Watch the below video for about 10 seconds to see the transition from Kaleidoscope to Mind Movie. It starts from 6 min 30 seconds:

Watch the below video for about 10 seconds to see the smooth transition from Mind Movie to Kaleidoscope:

Benefits of getting Integrated Video :
Following are the benefits of integrating your Mind Movie with the Kaleidoscope and getting one single video to meditate on:
  • You can watch it sitting completely still, without moving your hands for pressing any button.
  • You don't have to switch your eyes between two screens, (one having kaleidoscope and other having mind movie) as both are integrated and thus, available on single screen. 
  • This integrated video has a much better effect, and you really feel like you are inside the scenes of your Mind Movie as staying in alpha is easier.
  • You start seeing the Mind Movie scenes in the Kaleidoscope too, definitely getting "programmed" to manifest that future.
  • You can load it onto their iPhone, iPad, any other Smartphone or Tablet, Mac, PC, VR Goggles, TV, so many possibilities exist in the Quantum Field! This way, you can watch it anytime and anywhere you want by just hitting the play button once and just keep watching continuously as it transitions from Kaleidoscope to Mind Movie to Kaleidoscope and so on, works really well when in a dark room and you can't see anything else other than this video.
The pricing for this service is as follows: 
$15 per Mind Movie for a 30 minutes video.
$18 per Mind Movie for a 45 minutes video. 
$20 per Mind Movie for an hour long video. 

Why is this chargeable:
As video editing is a very resource-intensive job, we use a high-end laptop and professional video editing software. The whole process of integration requires working on it for up to an hour or two per Mind Movie. Why it takes up to an hour to integrate a Mind Movie with the Kaleidoscope and deliver the result:
1. The video transitions aren't haphazard, and all of them are made smooth and seamless, easy on the eyes. They won't feel like separate videos combined together abruptly.
2. The audio transitions from Kaleidoscope music to Mind Movie music and its looping is done smoothly, it isn't harsh on the ears.
3. The resultant file is 720p HD (High-definition), one hour in length and is more than 1.5 GB (Gigabyte) in size; it requires a high-speed internet connection with a lot of bandwidth to deliver this file.

Few screenshots of feedback received from this service:

To place an order, please visit How to place order link and fill the form. If you are facing any issues in that, please email me on


  1. Hi, I've filled in the order form a few days ago and haven't heard nany thing from you yet.
    Could you please take a look!
    Thank you, Chi

    1. Namaste Chi,

      I am sorry for a late reply. I had gone for 8 months spiritual course in South India, so had temporarily stopped this service. Now, I have restarted the service. Please place your order here:

      Thank you,
